For the record, I am noticing the discomfort and mess. And, I wonder if that makes me less credible to coordinate the Love Like That project. Shouldn't I be emanating loving kindness right about now?
What a load of crap. Why would I ever do this to myself? Why would I ever put myself in the trap, "I should be..."?
It's a freaking trap. A trap.
The good news is that the way out is simple. See the trap.
Go ahead, see all the traps you've laid out for yourself:
- How you should parent.
- How you should spend your time.
- How many times a week you should have sex.
- How other people should behave.
It's relentless!
Every time you see a trap, remind yourself that you are loving awareness. You are not the trap or the frustration of stepping in the trap; you are the loving awareness of those experiences.
Lately, I have been feeling tension all day long. I'm not quite sure why I feel this way but now I wonder if I'm caught in an unconscious "should" trap. Earlier, when I was looking for a technique to help me be with the tension, I remembered tonglen practice. There is no reason for me to explain it; Pema Chodron does it beautifully. Tonglen saves me because it connects me with other people.
I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness. I am loving awareness.
Getting the Most from Love Like That
Love Like That is more than reading these emails, posts and links everyday. It's allowing those materials to soften you up during day to day life.
Love Like That is best integrated with:
- a regular meditation practice
- a regular physical practice
- someone or something that you are accountable to
A regular meditation practice might just be 2 or 3 minutes a day. You can meditate in the car, or even in the office. Where you are willing to begin, begin there.
A regular physical practice could be walking for 20 minutes 4 times a week.
Being accountable to reading the posts everyday, a yoga teacher or a sticky note on your computer screen.
Stillness, movement and support will allow this project to integrate in your emotional, mental, physical and energetic bodies. My wish for you is that you get the most benefit from Love Like That as possible. My wish is that our collective benefit aid the world.