In response to my Facebook status that I was thrilled to buy insurance through the healthcare marketplace, my friend commented that she doesn't like being forced to buy health insurance. (She also posted she was happy for my daughter and I, by the way.)
I can totally relate; I don't like feeling forced to do anything. Actually, I DESPISE it!
Who doesn't? Who among us thinks, "Yes, I am happy to be forced into something." If you're happy to be into something, then there's no force. Force is a function of not liking something, in this case. Right?
There are so many things in the manifest world (the world of form, time and change) that I do not like: slavery, sex trafficking, war, starvation, cancer, hate crimes and environmental degradation. Those are some big ticket items.
Then, there's the garden variety disasters: a loved one's depression, the bank account balance, the remark someone made at the party last night, the ten pounds picked up over the holidays, people telling the same boring stories over and over and over again....
The manifest world is RIFE with pain and suffering, with things we don't like.
How do we deal with this? How can we know of such experiences and still get out of bed in the morning? The ego is not equipped to explore such a profound inquiry. But, the ego is arrogant and loud. It doesn't say, "listen, this isn't really my sort of thing, let the heart and spirit provide leadership." Nope; ego says, "Follow me. Use your mind to sort pain and suffering into two categories:
- pain that can be avoided if people wise up
- pain that cannot be avoided"
With the mind thusly mired by analyzing who did what and why, and the pain itself, there is no attention on who you are. People have been distracted away from their Self - which is always and inherently Free - to the mental delusion that if some people wise up there wouldn't be this pain and suffering! So then you find yourself distracted from your inherent peace and freedom when you could use it most! (Okay, 'use' isn't the best word choice.)
ICD 333: Ego Inflammation Disorder
If you think something unpleasant could be avoided if other people would get their freaking acts together, you are bound to focus on their behavior. (See symptom 3.) This will make your life a living hell.
When was the last time you put yourself through this misery? When was the last time that you were suffering and you focused on how other people - spouses, kids, the 'other' political party, rude people in stores, debt collectors - had to change so you (and others) could stop suffering? A nightmare, right? You could be the smartest, kindest, best-looking, funniest, most charming person in the world (as judged by a celebrity panel of judges in a reality show called "Cream of the Crop") and still you cannot control other people's behavior.
Instead, this preoccupation with other people adds disempowerment to your anxiety and/or depression. Oh, Ego Inflammation Disorder, you are one wily mo'fo'!
Remember, there is treatment! See photo above or for more details you can review the Ego Inflammation Disorder educational video.
Seeing is Freeing. When you notice, "dang, I have Ego Inflammation Disorder" you are immediately free again! Being free, actions effortlessly unfold.
When you see your ego, you detach from it's straightjacket. Awareness comes first, comes before. Your ego cannot exist without you as awareness. This isn't a theory. This is direct experience. Look. Right now. If your mind starts wondering, "yeah, but if I die, other people can still be aware of x catastrophe" look for who is aware of this mental chatter. Who hears this rationalizing? Who notices this thinking? Don't think about it, look. Who are you?
You are free. You are the awareness of experience. Nothing can force you. Force only exists when you identify as your ego and body. That is not who you are. You are the one aware of the mind and body. Look. Wow, you are also the awareness of awareness of mind and body. Look. This is not a test or trick or idea. Be who you are. The mind will do it's best to distract you out of awareness, it will rationalize, instigate guilt trips, and make promises. Don't take the bait. All that thinking comes and goes. That is not you. Look for what does not change. Look for what is timeless and effortless. Be Free.
You are here to win yourself back
from delusion,
from the hypnosis of conditioning
and false and limited identification with the ego.
- Mooji
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