When I was at Level One Teacher Training with Baron Baptiste this summer, he coached people to use the word seem:
"I have a hard time with forgiveness."
"It seems like you have a hard time with forgiveness."
"It seems like I have a hard time with forgiveness."
I don't remember if this exact exchange took place. What I remember is how the energy shifted each time a participant accepted Baron's invitation to use the word seem. Basically, people got lighter, like they let go of something. Whenever I use the word seem, I soften any attachments I have to the story I'm telling. When I soften my attachment to the story, I soften the tendency to identify with the personal self who is invested in the story. This, of course, frees me up to be my true self, again.
So, it seems like I've had a raging case of Ego Inflammation Disorder today. The symptom that seems to be plaguing me is self-doubt. It seems like my personal self is raising a ruckus by yammering on and on about how I am attached to thinking and that means I am not in touch with my true nature. I watch the "I" and - BAM! - there's the self-doubt again. Which seems to prove I'm a hopeless head-case.
Eventually, I got mad. This sucks! The vast majority of us are hypnotized into believing we are preferences, memories, mental projections, goals and bodies. Believing this is all we are, people are inherently anxious and agitated. It's no wonder war, child slavery, pollution and scape-goating plague the planet!
You know what I say to that ego identity and all the crap associated with it?!?
Burn Baby Burn!
My personal self/ego doubts who I am, and it can go on doubting for as long as it doubts. That is the task of the personal self and it is none of my business. I am not that.
Ahhhh.... much better!
The Great Seeming
This world is a sometimes world.
Sometimes this...
Knowing this,
we should not be too worried.
Everything is a great seeming.
- Mooji
Sometimes mind is agitated, sometimes it is calm. Sometimes there is snow, sometimes rain. Sometimes people agree, sometimes people disagree. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes it's this, sometimes it's that. Everything we can ever experience -
- Insecurities, triumphs, emotions, thoughts
- Planting life in barren places
- Inviting appreciation
- Celebrating departure
is coming and going. Sometimes we enjoy the great seeming, other times we don't. In any case, there is an awareness to whom this sometimes world reports. You. Me. We're pretty frickin' incredible.
Loved this post! Or it seems like I did. ;)