Thursday, March 27, 2014

Locks and Freedom, by Emma

Freedom is not only letting go but accepting that you have some picking up to do, even if it isn’t your mess. Which is hard for me because I am a “fair and not fair” person. (Obviously, I’m fifteen.) So even though there’s a mess in me that someone else should be picking up, living with a messy castle in my head is no way to get revenge on the person who made it that way.

Show them you are free. Clean up. 

Now my mom likes to leave her heart open to everyone, and I think that takes a lot of clarity and self-awareness. That isn’t how I think or want to think.  As I said, I’m fifteen. 

Once I am done cleaning, you can be damn sure I am changing the locks and putting an electric fence and a gate up. 

This is my way of proving to myself that you can be free even with a guard up. 

Because being free doesn't mean loving all and everything. Have a little self freedom. Remember that it is okay to clean up and lock up. You aren’t being closed hearted, you are protecting yourself, and who ever said that isn’t freedom?

- Emma Allocco


  1. Wonderful guest post! I looove the William Gibson quote. And Ioved your words, Emmacats! You are a righteous babe, and way way way wise-beyond-your-15 years . And I heart you to pieces. Always, Colercats

  2. Emma - love your post. Your mom is awesome so 1. Please have patience with her and let her be your mom. 2. Then do what you feel is right because you must be awesome too!

    Be free....

  3. Well done Emma. You wrote from the heart and helped your mom out when she needed it. Those are two things we always support. Love you guys

  4. Awesome post Emma.

  5. You are wonderful and wise Emma. Thank you for all you have taught me!
