Monday, February 10, 2014

ICD-9 333.4

As we were cutting vegetables for dinner tonight Emma said to me, "Mom, don't you think that at a certain point you're overdoing it with things that make you happy?"

Me: What do you mean?

Emma: Well, you went to that Buddhist thing yesterday, and you are doing Love Like That and making this video and it just seems like you are always doing these things that make you happy and maybe you just have to suck it up.

Me: Suck it up?  You mean not enjoy myself so I can do what, exactly?  Is there something you want me to do for you?

Emma: No.  I don't know.  It just seems weird that you do these things just because they are fun. 

Me: Emma, please please please don't let anyone convince you that being happy is  selfish.  Can you imagine me as a mom if I was miserable?  

Emma: That would suck. 

Me: Me being happy makes you happy. You being happy makes me happy. When we are happy, we are contagious, it's a gift to everyone.  If it takes away from someone, it's not really happiness.  

Emma: Yeah. Okay. 

Pausing.  Eating.  

Me:  What do you think of this video?

Emma watches the first iteration of ICD-9 333.4.

Emma:  You need to get poster board and do a presentation or something. 
