Thursday, April 3, 2014

Three for Free (Challenges, that is.)

Emma suggested that I complete Free Like That with a Freedom Challenge.  If you prefer, you can call these challenges invitations. In any case, they are opportunities to deepen and expand the experience of being free.  Maybe you've done one of these before.  Maybe you have other challenges/invitations.  If so, weigh in. 

1. Freedom Top 5 (or 10) List
What is the soundtrack for being free?  Soundtrack is key! Unless it's not; then don't worry about it. 

Picking songs can be a challenge.  Like, "is this really the best choice for the Freedom Top 5?"  Who cares? Put it on the list; you can change the list later.  If you're feeling more like the Freedom Top 25, roll with it.  For me, that's too many decisions to make. 

Anna's Top 8, April 3, 2014 
  1. Susan Boyle; this is on my favorites list.  I listen to this at least once a week.   
  2. Pharrell Williams, you are so sweet.  Thank you for this song! 
  3. J.Tims.  The song changes but he's regularly on my top 5.  Abby, an Amen?!?
  4. Smile! is not what you expect for a Freedom Top 5 until you remember that you are free even if you are not feeling like Rock Your Body.  Being real is being free.
  5. Because the Go-Go's are the freaking COOOOOLest!!! Please note, by today's trends in celebrity fashion they dressed like June Cleaver.  
  6. If you were thinking about complaining that there is a Grateful Dead track, be grateful I grabbed the studio version.  And, if you're disappointed about a studio track, Shakedown Street is their best studio recording.  
  7. Wake Me Up.  Not by Wham. 
  8. Good Feeling.  Pretty much the anthem of free.  For me.  

I'll stop here.  

2. Announce Yourself and Be Free
It is helpful to have a few announcements on hand if you get into any of the following situations of bondage: 

  • Most Boring Social Situation.  Everyone is talking blah-blah-blah. You do your utmost to be interested in other people but it's like they're telling you a story they've told twenty times before and it's not even interesting.  This is a perfect time to drop an announcement. 
  • Stephen Colbert Locks You In. You are at Stephen's for dinner and he says he can't let you go home until you give him some good material for a few sketches.
  • Facebook Irrelevance. You've been off Facebook for a few months (days?) and have become irrelevant for Facebook conversation.
As you can see, bondage can sneak up on a person.  So, challenge yourself to announce yourself.  In announcing yourself, you shed your shackles.

For example, Jimmy Fallon takes the empty seat next to me on the Concord Trailways bus from North Station to Portland.  He says, "Tell me a little about yourself, Anna." 
I offer the most powerful cognitive shifting training in all of Maine. All of Maine!  The Tony Robbins Foundation is on the cusp of granting me their first Coach-that-we-support-who-has-no-training-in-our-methods-but-reassures-us-that-she-is-amazing-and-her-audacity-so-impressed-us-that-we-talked-with-her-and-now.... damn... she's-right Award Recipient.   

I know, I know, not everyone is an extrovert. Or obnoxious. So,  introverts.... you could write your announcement of yourself on an index card and put it in your car by your steering wheel. Extroverts, you can do that, too!  

This is not lame.  So, don't announce something you think is lame.  If you think it's lame, it is lame.  Right?  An announcement is fun.   It's not like you're making a commitment, baring your soul (although you can if that's fun), or promising anyone anything.  You don't even have to say the announcement out loud ever. You're just ready. That way, if you get stuck at a children's birthday party where parents are discussing the pros and cons of various math curricula, you can get drop this gem of an announcement: 
 I've been thinking about doing a TedTalk on the parallel teachings of Flashpoint and Mooji.  Like, no shit.  We will go DEEP on it.

See what happens next.  

You might feel some resistance to announcements. Or, you could start thinking anti-announcement thoughts. I suggest that you do not argue with the voices in your head, nor let them scoop you up and carry you off.  Just give them some respect like, "Okay, I heard you."   You are not these resistant feelings and thinkings.  You are what is aware of resistance.  Watch the I.  

Or, watch Jenna Marbles.  She announces herself for a good ten minutes in this video.  If you are new to her, I recommend give her a few minutes to get to know her.  

In sum, announcements are declarations regarding skills, insights and experiences which may or may not be true.  

3. Design a Product
Here's why this is a challenge.  People think that a product is only worth designing if:

  • it has market value
  • it is useful
  • it actually works
  • it can be manufactured, rather than 'only' imagined

Let me tell you, if you just throw all that out the window you will find that you are a fabulous inventor!  Like, I created an assessment tool.  I have to tell you, it was and is so fun for me.  I understand that is just way too geek for some people.  But, for me, it's perfect!  Maybe you cook up a new dessert, make an obstacle course for your cat, write a magic spell to prevent things that were never going to happen anyway.  

How about this guy with Dance Walking!?  I am in love!

May we recognize we are free and powerful, the proof of truth. May we trust all seeds of freedom are growing perfectly.  
May we recognize the harvest available in each moment. 
And so it is.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Whales and Lions, Dreams and Songs

Tips for watching the videos that would have been helpful had I provided these tips say.... 3 weeks ago:  
1. Watch on a screen larger than a phone
2. Use earphones
3. Enjoy

Two for two with whales.  Chalk it up to synchronicity; I can't explain it.  Whales have a hold of me!

This Moment, This Dream
I would love to sit with all of you, watch these short videos together then listen to each of you share what feelings, questions and insights come up for you as you watch them. 

In terms of tonight's whale video, I get that I dreamed myself into this very moment with all of you.  That's how free I am! I dreamed myself into communicating with people from a "further out" place than the first few 75-years-long nights of dreaming.  

Further out because we're not sitting together 
and we won't all look at this post at the same time
nor will we all watch the videos or watch them in their entirety.
Further out because we may not hear some of you 'speak' with us directly through the comment section of the blog (still time for that)
yet, you are sharing videos, songs, pictures, meals, walks and other expressions of freedom back with us even though they may not be directed toward 'us' specifically.  

The personal self cannot understand what I'm saying because the personal self is bound by time, cause and effect, and separation. So the personal self will rationalize.  Watch the 'I.'  In other words, give some attention to who sees the thinking and who decides (or doesn't decide) which thoughts to think.  Perhaps, let yourself wonder... 

This Song
Whatever, wherever and however you experience yourself, your 'song' is indispensable in this Circle of Life.  Thank you for being in the choir with me.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


A video about a positive prank  a group of friends plays on a 'deserving' woman is working its way around Facebook.  I am wary of the word 'deserve.' The sentiment of the video is sweet but it plays into the myth that some people are deserving, or more deserving, than other people. 

Deserving of what, precisely?

Of financial reward?  Social support?  Generosity?  Astonishment?

Growing up, each one of us was taught - by our schools, families, peers, religious institutions - that we have to do certain things to deserve 'a good life.'  Work hard, play by the rules, make the right choices and you will be rewarded.  

There's nothing wrong with working hard, playing by the proverbial rules and making choices that resonate with an internal guidance system!  However, extrapolating that these are viable criteria to distinguish the deserving from the not deserving is cynicism (even if it would make for an entertaining Louis C.K. sketch).  And, it is bondage.  

I get the sense that peoples' hearts are broken from the travesty of forgetting who we are.  During Love Like That I posted this Osho video where he suggests that love is sabotaged when people feel like beggars rather than emperors.  In my experience, people are now comfortable paying attention to:

  • what do 'I' want?
  • what do 'I' think?
  • what do 'I' do?

yet give almost no attention to the 'I' itself.  What is this 'I' that is paying attention to wants and actions?  We must ask otherwise we  could spend the rest of our lives tweaking desires, thoughts and actions without discovering our true wealth.  

Our true wealth is who we are (same link as video below in the event the video doesn't show up in your mobile device):

Let it be known inside your heart
that you are born for this. 
You are born for this. 
You are born for freedom. 
This life is for freedom. 
~ Mooji
May our freedom liberate others