Tuesday, April 1, 2014


A video about a positive prank  a group of friends plays on a 'deserving' woman is working its way around Facebook.  I am wary of the word 'deserve.' The sentiment of the video is sweet but it plays into the myth that some people are deserving, or more deserving, than other people. 

Deserving of what, precisely?

Of financial reward?  Social support?  Generosity?  Astonishment?

Growing up, each one of us was taught - by our schools, families, peers, religious institutions - that we have to do certain things to deserve 'a good life.'  Work hard, play by the rules, make the right choices and you will be rewarded.  

There's nothing wrong with working hard, playing by the proverbial rules and making choices that resonate with an internal guidance system!  However, extrapolating that these are viable criteria to distinguish the deserving from the not deserving is cynicism (even if it would make for an entertaining Louis C.K. sketch).  And, it is bondage.  

I get the sense that peoples' hearts are broken from the travesty of forgetting who we are.  During Love Like That I posted this Osho video where he suggests that love is sabotaged when people feel like beggars rather than emperors.  In my experience, people are now comfortable paying attention to:

  • what do 'I' want?
  • what do 'I' think?
  • what do 'I' do?

yet give almost no attention to the 'I' itself.  What is this 'I' that is paying attention to wants and actions?  We must ask otherwise we  could spend the rest of our lives tweaking desires, thoughts and actions without discovering our true wealth.  

Our true wealth is who we are (same link as video below in the event the video doesn't show up in your mobile device):

Let it be known inside your heart
that you are born for this. 
You are born for this. 
You are born for freedom. 
This life is for freedom. 
~ Mooji
May our freedom liberate others

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