Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Katy Perry Picks Up What Osho Puts Down

Stories That are Good for Me
I drove down to RI this morning to spend time with my dad.  He just had hip replacement surgery.  In the car, I listened to several youtube videos.  I am so grateful for teachers who tell stories that  highlight abundance, fun, wonder and surprise.  And, stories that remind me that love and beauty and strength can be found anywhere - even in the most dire circumstances. Stories like this encourage neural plasticity and an open heart.  For me, at least. 

So, I consciously bring these kinds of stories toward me.  Hearing them prepares me for the times I notice I am telling and/or listening to a story that probably would not be included in the "Best of Abundance and Empowerment" 2014 edition.  No abundance?  No empowerment?  No problem!  

Caught Between a Rock and a Hip Place
My dad's physical therapist told him that he should not drive for another two weeks so I drove him to the supermarket this afternoon.  When I pulled up to the front door, another car was there and positioned in such a way that made me being there awkward. 

Dad: Who are those idiots?
Me: Dad! Maybe they are dropping off someone who is in a similar position as you.  
Dad: Nah, they are a bunch of young kids with no clue.
Me: How do you know that? 
Dad: I can see. I have eyes.  I can see them in their car.  They aren't looking around.  They have their heads up their asses.  


Me: Dad, I have an idea.  Let's get a brick and throw it through their back window! 

We laugh.  

Fun.  Check!

Good Love Begins with the Self
Being in Love, a 10-minute talk/teaching by Osho, is one of the youtube videos I listened to as I drove to RI this morning.  The way Osho talks about love inspires me to pay attention. I highly recommend you give it a listen.  

Osho may not be your cup of tea.  No problem.  Teachers, healers, storytellers and restorers across traditions and cultures share this same message in a variety of ways: your willingness to remember and love who you are is essential.  Regarding yourself as an emperor is not wishful thinking; it's logical. If you don't get you are awesome, why would anyone else?  

Katy Perry gets it!

What's your song?


  1. Hi darlin. I'm having trouble with the videos you're posting. They done show up in your communiques. They are invisible! Invisible videos. I love your words so much but am having trouble with the vids. Love to you and your dad!

  2. Thanks for that feedback, Colers. I just embedded links to the videos, as well. I've noticed that my iphone doesn't always show the videos but laptops, desktops and ipads do. I'm going to investigate further. <3

  3. Hah! Talk about two different approaches to the same message!!! Osho and Katy!! My song is "Still here" by Caitlin Canty. It relates to me and where I am more than to your message of the day, however it fits me.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9_NbLccnKM (I think I'd like to hang with your dad for a few hours!!!)

  4. My Dad is the bomb! :D

    Thanks for lifting up that a person doesn't need to relate with "Firework" by Katy Perry. There are lots of songs (and experiences that aren't songs - standing by the waterfall two miles form your house, or watching your son sleeping, or cooking dinner) that can presence the power of who you are.

    My daughter's pump up jam is currently All the Way by Timeflies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Brmnl29uU

    And my mom's has been Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes, pretty much since Graceland first came out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_T3XvzPaM

    My song changes with me; sometimes the song is not so fire-y but just as beautiful. Like Colin Hay's Beautiful World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe3RqgnXaT4

  5. Never heard that song by Colin Hay before however I really like it... Up lifting experience - I do at least twice a year. Sit on a ledge on Gorham Mountain (Bar Harbor), feet dangling over the edge and look at the ocean.... It's right over Thunder Hole and Sand Beach.... Beautiful and inspiring.... Closest I come to feeling there's a higher power out there looking out for you.... :)

  6. Anna might laugh but my pump up jam is any low, slow, heart wrenching ballad. No, I can't run a 5k to this beat but it does inspire me to belt it out, tell my side of the story, feel with my heart, and connect to humanity.

    Here's one of many that gets me every time: http://youtu.be/JMqKOt7R_K8

  7. michelle... i forgot how much i loved the movie Once. i love that duet those two sing - falling slowly or something?!?!

  8. I'm loving your words, Anna. Thank you! Happy healing to your dad--glad you could be there for him. :-) BRAVE--love that song! "Say what you wanna say - And let the words fall out - Honestly I wanna see you be brave" :-)
