Saturday, March 29, 2014

No Handbook, No Problem

You all know I've been sitting in satsang with Mooji (up until Friday when I completed the final sit). What I haven't shared yet is that Emma and I have been watching the show "Flashpoint" at the same time.  We love this show; it's Canadian!  

Okay, but that's not why we love the show.  

If you are not familiar with Flashpoint, the show features Team One of the Police Strategic Response Unit. Team One is called in to resolve hostage, bomb and other explosive situations that most officers are not trained to handle.  They always acts as a team and prioritize a peaceful resolution.  

To maintain presence and clarity while in high-stress situations, Team One participates in ongoing, intensive training.  Today we watched episode 15 of Season 4, when a new member of Team One - Raf - is placed into a situational role play with the Tactical Team Leader - Ed.  Ed plays a gunman holding another member of the team hostage.  In this scenario, Raf's role is to talk the gunman down and resolve the situation with no casualties.  

Over and over Raf fails.  And it starts to drive him crazy - what is the answer?  How does he guarantee that nobody will be hurt?  How can he anticipate all possible outcomes and ensure everybody's safety?  How? 

His commanding officer, Sergeant Greg Parker, is not impressed with Raf's carrying on and tells him: 

The moment you think you have all the angles covered, 
you have failed, my friend.


At the end of the show, Raf approaches Sgt Parker: 

Raf: I think I know the solution.

Sgt. Parker: Go on.

Raf: There is no solution. The failure, it's built in, you know. And it ain't even about beating the drill.  It's not that.  It's about learning to live with the choices you've made. 

Sgt. Parker: My man.


The moment I think I have all the angles covered, I fail.  Not fail like I am a failure of a human being.  But, fail like I have lost sight of the Mystery, I have lost sight of the Unknown, I have lost sight of the Awareness, the Freedom and the Love that I am which is beyond thinking, which doesn't need to anticipate, which doesn't confuse rational linear thinking with "truth", which doesn't second guess, which simply IS.  There is no handbook for Being Free.  We simply are.  


Living in the Country
Before going grocery shopping today, I assessed the clothes I was wearing. My outfit was perfect for sorting the recycling, writing some emails and laundry.  I loved how my tank top was the exact same color as the word "baptiste" on the shirt Karen Yencha gave me, and I love that years ago Alice gave me the pants I was wearing.  I could have worn this outfit into town, no problem.  But, then I said to Emma, "If I go out like this, people might think I've given up.  I don't want to depress the good people of North Conway." 

We laugh.

This is me "dressed up" for town. 

This has nothing to do with Flashpoint.  So what?!?!!

It cracks me up, like this Selfie song.  


  1. What a fun way to wake up!!! Hah.... Your next post should have a request for everyone to "feel free" to send in a selfie while they are reading it....
